Vajrayogini Lineage Holders, One by One

When we hear and read the life stories of the lineage holders, we gain a true appreciation of their unique qualities. Therefore, to inspire confidence in the lineage and deepen our devotion, this course will present the lives of the Kagyu masters from Tilopa through Trungpa Rinpoche.

Prerequisite: Open to Vajrayogini and Chakrasamvara students of the Vidyadhara, including those who received abhisheka from his recognized heirs since his parinirvana.
Six Mondays, starting January 24, from 6:00–7:30 pm ET
31 participants
Current Status
Not Enrolled
By Donation
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In this class, we will discuss and explore each of the Vajrayogini lineage holders, according to the long supplication (pages 18–32) in our Vajrayogini sadhana.

  • Class 1, January 24: Vajradhara, Ratnamati, Sahara,
  • Class 2, January 31: Nāgārjuna, Śavaripa, Maitrīpa, Tilopa,
  • Class 3, February 7: Nāropa, Marpa, Milarepa, Gampopa,
  • Class 4, February 14: From Tüsum Khyenpa (Karmapa I) to Paljor Töntrup (Gyaltsap I),
  • Class 5, February 21: From Chödrak Gyatso (Karmapa VII) to Changchub Dorje (Karmapa XII),
  • Class 6, February 28: From Chökyi Jungne (Situ VIII) to Chökyi Gyatso (Trungpa XI)
  • NEW! Added class, Monday, March 7.


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