This course is open only to those who
1. have received mahāmudrā pointing-out instructions from a recognized vajrayana lineage holder, AND
2. participated in Moonbeams of Mahāmudrā: Mahāmudrā Vipaśyanā on Ocean* (September 2020 – January 2021).
- listen to the recordings and do the meditations from Part I (at least the first three sessions) and read Chapter Nine of Moonbeams,
- or if they participated in mahāmudrā programs based on Pointing Out the Dharmakāya, or a similar mahāmudrā vipaśyanā program, and have read Chapter 9 of Moonbeams (please contact us if you have any questions.)
If you have any questions about the above, please contact us.
The primary aim of the series is to support our exploration and implementation of mahāmudrā vipaśyanā instructions. Using the techniques of vipaśyanā, we can go beyond technique in our own practice to fully recognize what was revealed during the profound pointing-out instructions.
As Saraha says:
Look: mind itself reveals suchness to itself.
Each session will include an introductory talk, guided meditation, and breakout group discussion.
During the intervening two weeks, it is expected that everyone will spend some time delving into the practice instructions.
Required text: Moonbeams of Mahāmudrā, translated by Elizabeth Callahan
March 10Chapter 10: pp. 259-267, Abiding State of MindMarch 24Chapter 10: pp. 268 – 277, Pointing Out the Connateness of Mind-ItselfApril 7Chapter 10: pp. 277-82, Pointing Out the Connateness of ThoughtsApril 21Chapter 10: pp. 283-88, Pointing Out the Connateness of AppearancesMay 5Chapter 10: pp. 288-295, Mistakes in Meditation + Partial MeditationMay 19Chapter 10: pp. 295-303, Ordinary Mind
Image: Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche executed this calligraphy, Chagkchen da-o (Moonlight of Mahāmudrā), used on the cover of the first English translation of our text by Lobsang P. Lhalungpa in 1986.