Notable Upcoming Practice Events
(See Details Below)
—New Moon Sadhana of Mahamudra, Tuesday, October 25
—Avalokiteshvara Nonmeditation Feast, Wednesday, November 2
—Chakrasamvara Feast, Thursday, November 3
Morning Sitting Meditation and Evening Protector Chants
Every Morning, 7:40 – 8:15 AM ET (13:40 – 14:15 CET)
In Main Shrine Room – Open to all
Every Evening, 5:15 – 5:45 PM ET (23:15 – 23:45) CET
In Main Shrine Room – Open to all
Sunday, October 23
Werma Sadhana
In the Vajrayana Shrine Room
11:00 AM ET (16:00 CET)
Open to authorized students
Kagyu Ngondro Practice Group
In the Ngondro Shrine Room
1:00 PM ET (19:00 CET)
Open to tantrikas with training
Monday, October 24
Medicine Buddha Practice
In Main Shrine Room
7:00 PM ET
Open to all, Text will be scrolled
Tuesday, October 25
New Moon Sadhana of Mahamudra
In Main Shrine Room
7:00 PM ET
Open to all
Krodhikali Practice
In the Vajrayana Shrine Room
7:00 PM ET
Open to Vajrayogini practitioners with abhisheka or lung
Wednesday, October 26
Vajrakilaya Practice
In the Vajrayana Shrine Room
7:00 PM ET
Open to sadhakas with abhisheka or lung
Thursday, October 27
Avalokiteshvara Sadhana of Nonmeditation
In the Vajrayana Shrine Room
Open to tantrikas with abhisheka or lung
Two Sessions:
—19:00 CET (1:00 PM ET)
—7:00 PM ET
Friday, October 28
Krodhikali Practice
In the Vajrayana Shrine Room
1:00 PM ET (19:00 CET)
Open to Vajrayogini practitioners with abhisheka or lung
Stirring the Depths & Dharma Sagara
In the Vajrayana Shrine Room
7:00 PM ET
Open to tantrikas
Sunday, October 30
Werma Sadhana
In the Vajrayana Shrine Room
11:00 AM ET (16:00 CET)
Open to authorized students
Kagyu Ngondro Practice Group
In the Ngondro Shrine Room
1:00 PM ET (19:00 CET)
Open to tantrikas with training
Monday, October 31
Medicine Buddha Practice
In Main Shrine Room
7:00 PM ET
Open to all, Text will be scrolled
Tuesday, November 1
Krodhikali Practice
In the Vajrayana Shrine Room
7:00 PM ET
Open to Vajrayogini practitioners with abhisheka or lung
Wednesday, November 2
Avalokiteshvara Nonmeditation Feast
In the Vajrayana Shrine Room
1:00 PM ET (19:00 CET)
Open to tantrikas with abhisheka or lung
(Text will be displayed)
Vajrakilaya Practice
In the Vajrayana Shrine Room
7:00 PM ET
Open to sadhakas with abhisheka or lung
Thursday, November 3
Chakrasamvara Feast
In the Feast Shrine Room
3:00 PM ET (21:00 CET)
Open to sadhakas with abhisheka and training
(Follow along in own text)
Avalokiteshvara Sadhana of Nonmeditation Practice
In the Vajrayana Shrine Room
Open to tantrikas with abhisheka or lung
Two Sessions:
—19:00 CET (1:00 PM ET)
—7:00 PM ET
Friday, November 4
Krodhikali Practice
In the Vajrayana Shrine Room
1:00 PM ET (19:00 CET)
Open to Vajrayogini practitioners with abhisheka or lung
Stirring the Depths & Dharma Sagara
In the Vajrayana Shrine Room
7:00 PM ET
Open to tantrikas
Sunday, November 6
Werma Sadhana & Study Session
In the Vajrayana Shrine Room
11:00 AM ET (16:00 CET)
Open to authorized students
Kagyu Ngondro Practice Group
In the Ngondro Shrine Room
1:00 PM ET (19:00 CET)
Open to tantrikas with training
Maitri Bhavana
Approximately twice a month we include individuals who are critically ill in our Maitri Bhavana practice. This loving kindness practice expresses our willingness to let go of our personal space, share in the suffering of others and provide them with support. To explicitly include a friend or relative in the next Maitri Bhavana session, send an email to the address below, naming the individual and their illness. If possible, include a picture.