Rangjung Dorje’s Mahamudra Aspiration is an extraordinarily pithy and comprehensive text. Not only does the text elucidate the ground, path, and fruition of mahamudra, but it contextualizes mahamudra practice within an understanding of the three yanas and of madhyamaka. For seasoned practitioners, the course will serve as a review and fresh reminder of the core principles of the path. For newer practitioners, the course will provide a very practical overview of the Kagyu and Nyingma vajrayana path, as well as a useful guide to further study.
We are honored to welcome the renowned translator and scholar Gerardo Abboud to Ocean. Gerardo will give seven lectures on consecutive Thursdays starting April 21 at 7:00 pm Eastern. He is President of Dongyuling Drukpa Kagyu Center, established in Argentina in 1986, where he gives regular teachings and conducts retreats. He also served as Tsoknyi Rinpoche’s principal translator from 2000 to 2016. Learn more about Gerardo Abboud.