Early Tantra Groups with Mark Nowakowski

The Early Tantra Groups is a collection of edited transcripts and notes from the meetings of the first two tantra groups, which were held in Boulder, Colorado from early 1974 through 1975.

Prerequisite: Open to tantrikas of the Vidyadhara, including those who have received pointing out transmission from his recognized heirs
Every 2nd Wednesday for four sessions beginning November 1st, from 6:30-8:00 pm EST
53 participants
Current Status
Not Enrolled
By Donation
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Please join us as we continue to explore the Early Tantra Groups, a seminal exposition of the mahamudra view from Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche.

This is the first part of a multi-part course on this text.

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This forum is restricted to members of the associated course(s) and group(s).