Recordings from 2024
Recordings of Classes 1-12 are posted on the Curriculum tab.
(NOTE: you must be logged into your Ocean account and registered for this class in order to access the recordings) Also note: Class 6 Refuge Vow, Class 11 Bodhisattva Vow, and Class 13 Final Exam were not recorded.
Registered class participants will continue to be able to access the recordings and other resources on the Curriculum tab indefinitely.
Participant Directory
The Participant Directory is now posted on the Curriculum tab. It contains names, locations, and email addresses for those who opted in to sharing that information with the other retreatants.
Course Outline
ASSIGNMENTS: Note that for each class we have assigned readings as well as audio and/or video teachings by Trungpa Rinpoche. All of the assigned readings are from the Profound Treasury of Dharma (PTOD) volumes one and two. All of the audio and video teachings by Trungpa Rinpoche are available for free on the Chogyam Trungpa Digital Library.
RESOURCES: Also visit the Curriculum tab for links and downloads of resources for the class, including a downloadable / printable version of this outline. We will be adding more resources as the class progresses.
- Class 1 (April 7th): Joining Intellect and Intuition (Recording is now posted on the Curriculum tab)
- Teacher: Gaylon Ferguson
- Reading: PTOD Vol. I, “Joining Study and Practice,” pages 40-45
- Watching: Meditation: The Way of the Buddha: Talk 1: Meditation Instruction
- Class 2 (April 14th): Back to Square One
- Teacher: Judy Lief
- Reading: PTOD Vol. I, “The Painful Reality of Samsara,” pages 65-79
- Watching: Ego and Its Projections: Talk 1: Suffering: The First Noble Truth
- Class 3 (April 21st): What is Genuine Dharma?
- Teacher: Otto Pichlhoefer
- Reading: PTOD Vol. I, “The Path of Individual Salvation,” pages 11-20
- Listening: Public Talk: The Heart of Meditation
- Class 4 (April 28th): Taking Refuge in the Three Jewels
- Teacher: June Crow
- Reading: PTOD Vol. I, “Buddhadharma Fever,” pages 81-88
- Watching: Ego and Its Projections: Talk 5: In the Footsteps of the Buddha
- Class 5 (May 5th): Developing Prajna
- Teacher: Adrienne Chang
- Reading: PTOD Vol. I, “Achieving Sanity Here on Earth,” pages 46-55
- Listening: The Life and Teachings of Naropa: Talk 5: Nalanda and the Three Prajnas
- Class 6 (May 12th): Refuge Vow Ceremony
- Preceptor: June Crow
- Those who have not already taken the Refuge Vow will take the vow in this ceremony. All others from the retreat community are invited to witness, support, and congratulate the new refugees!
- The vow ceremony will NOT be recorded.
- RECOMMENDED READING: Heart of the Buddha, Chapter 5: Taking Refuge. Also available in The Collected Works of Chogyam Trungpa, Volume 3, and as an online article on Lion’s Roar:
Class 7 (May 19th): The Profound View and Vast Motivation of the Great Vehicle
- Teacher: Jon Barbieri
- Reading: PTOD Vol. II, “A Glimpse of Wakefulness,” pages 3-11
- Reading: PTOD Vol. II, “Planting the Moon of Bodhi in Your Heart,” pages 97-98
- Watching: Viewing and Working with the Phenomenal World: Talk 6: Introduction to Mahayana
Class 8 (May 26th): Cultivating Relative Bodhichitta
- Teacher: Hazel Bercholz
- Reading: PTOD Vol. II, “Taking the Bodhisattva Vow,” pages 107-115
- Listening: The Bodhicharyavatara: Talk 3: Awakening Bodhichitta
- Class 9 (June 2nd): Cultivating Absolute Bodhichitta
- Teacher: Andy Karr
- Reading: PTOD Vol. II, “Cutting Ego Fixation,” pages 60-68
- Listening: Warrior of Shambhala: Talk 4: Discovering Basic Goodness: Fearlessness and Sacred Outlook
- Class 10 (June 9th): Meditation and the Development of Shunyata
- Teacher: Molly DeShong
- Reading: PTOD Vol. II, “Point One: The Preliminaries, Which Are a Basis for Dharma Practice,” pages 289-290
- Reading: PTOD Vol. II, “Point Two: Resting in Ultimate Bodhichitta,” pages 291-301
- Watching: Viewing and Working with the Phenomenal World: Talk 7: Shunyata
- *** IMPORTANT: Those planning to take the Bodhisattva Vow should plan to stay after this class (June 9th) from 1:30 to 2:30 PM Eastern Time so that the preceptor can meet with each of you individually prior to the actual vow ceremony.
- Class 11 (June 16th): Bodhisattva Vow Ceremony
- Preceptor: Andy Karr
- Those who have not already taken the Bodhisattva Vow will take the vow in this ceremony. All others from the retreat community are invited to witness, support, and congratulate the new bodhisattvas!
- The vow ceremony will NOT be recorded.
- RECOMMENDED READING: Heart of the Buddha, Chapter 6: Bodhisattva Vow. This is also available in The Collected Works of Chogyam Trungpa, Volume 3, And it is available as an online article on Lion’s Roar:
- Class 12 (June 23rd): The Tradition of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche
- Teacher: Larry Mermelstein
- Reading:ögyam_Trungpa
- Listening: The Line of the Trungpas: Talk 7: The Eleventh Trungpa
Final Exam
- Class 13 (June 30th): Final Examination
First of all: don’t worry! This will be a low stress, informal discussion format.
We will break into groups of 4 or 5, each facilitated by one of the retreat faculty. The facilitator will ask each participant to present their understanding of one of the questions from the study guide (see below). Your response does not need to be scholarly or comprehensive, and you are completely welcome to use notes. The facilitator may then ask others in the group to contribute to a short discussion on the topic, or ask followup questions to draw out different aspects of the topic.
Here is a link to the study guide:If you are unable to attend the exam on Sunday, June 30th, please let me know so we can schedule a makeup opportunity.