In this first of two talks, Professor Jackson will examine the Buddhist idea of rebirth in the context of world and Asian cultures; analyze the historical Buddha’s attitude toward rebirth; and describe the overall Buddhist notion of the realms of rebirth, the causes and conditions of rebirth, and the relation between karma and rebirth, noting differences among the three yānas and some variations in particular Asian cultures.
In a follow up talk later in the year, Dr. Jackson will examine traditional Indian and Tibetan arguments in favor of rebirth; consider the “paradox” of rebirth vis à vis the doctrine of no-self; and describe and reflect upon the place of rebirth within modern Buddhism, in terms of four possibilities: literalism, neo-traditionalism, modernism, and secularism. Date and time to be announced.
In March 2022. Shambhala Publications published this new title from Roger Jackson: REBIRTH: A GUIDE TO MIND, KARMA, AND COSMOS IN THE BUDDHIST WORLD.
“The fruit of a lifetime of deep engagement with the subject, Roger Jackson’s Rebirth traces the history of Buddhist ideas about reincarnation across the Buddhist world from ancient times to the present. This is the definitive work on the topic. No other work matches it in terms of breadth and depth.” —José I. Cabezón, Dalai Lama Professor of Tibetan Buddhism and Cultural Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara