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“Compassion, known in Tibet as the noble heart, that is to say the magnetic or the moving quality of enlightenment. . . . This idea of compassion is in fact the warmth within enlightenment. Enlightenment must have warmth, this willingness-to-do-everything. And that willingness, that being-ready-to-move, is essentially what Avalokiteshvara represents. . . . Avalokiteshvara is not something outside yourself to which you pray—he is your compassion and part of you.”
– Trungpa Rinpoche
“Avalokiteshvara Sadhana” [Daily Practice Excerpts] by Traktung Rigdzin Tsalchan, Vidyadhara The Venerable Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche.
Compiled and translated by the Vajravairochana Translation Committee under the direction of Karma Senge Rinpoche
Course Content
Five Talks on Avalokiteshvara Practice by Mark Nowakowski, at KCL, March 2022