Naropa’s Song of Mahamudra
We cannot verify that you have the prerequisites for this class. Please make sure you are logged in, and that you have answered these questions.
If you know you have done this in the past, please write to us using the Ocean helpline.
Please read this entire message carefully:
The enrollment process for vajrayana classes/practice groups is not automatic. All tantric class and practice group enrollments are handled manually, one at a time which means we check everyone.
Please continue forward with this order below, we will be in touch with you about the enrollment before the first class. We allow anyone to enroll and about a week before class starts we check your vajrayana history to make sure we can leave you in the class. If not, we’ll be in touch.
If you are seeing this message, our system shows that you do not have the prerequisites for this class. Please make sure you are logged in, and if you are logged in and you still see this message, please answer this questionnaire.
You will receive a “Welcome” email in any case but we will contact you if we need more information.
Not only does the above questionnaire let us know if you qualify for this course, but for all future vajryana courses or practice groups here on Ocean, so thjos process is a one-time thing.
If you are unsure if you qualify, click ‘back’ in your browser and read the “Prerequisite” line.
Any questions, just click “Contact Us” on almost every page of the website.
Thank you for your assistance in keeping the vajrayana teachings secure.
Course Description
Suggested Donation: $50.00
Category: Vajrayana