Werma Resources

To join in with the practice, you don't have to join this group. The practice place and time is found on the Calendar which is under "Practice" in the main menu. Joining this group gives you access to study materials, etc.

Prerequisite: Open to authorized students
48 participants
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These resource materials are restricted to those with the abhisheka or lung for this practice.

“The [Werma] sādhana should not be regarded as religious, but simply as developing oneself and arousing oneself in the form of raising lungta. This is a larger version of raising lungta. Never the less it is not religious, but there is appreciation and respect, devotion and love for the warriors of the past and warriors of the present. Throughout the whole process of chanting one should remind oneself of basic goodness, and remind oneself that one is coming out of one’s cocoon, economically and politically, in a warrior-like way.”

– Dorje Dradül

This forum is restricted to members of the associated course(s).