If you are starting this practice from scratch – Please contact Kristine and get up to speed 🙂
If you are re-starting this practice I have a lot of supports, recordings, musical score, readings – just email me.
If you are a pro at this – please join in and add to the discussions.
We practice as a group on Saturdays 10:00am Atlantic, Tuesdays 7:00pm Atlantic. Click here. You are all welcome to join in. If you would like to arrange other times we can do that too!
The general format is checking in, maybe a little dharma discussion or looking at a point of the practice. Then we do the whole practice – can range from 30 – 60 minutes depending on Umdze and feeling. So we usually end at 12 or earlier.
- it is very difficult to screen share this practice due to it’s nature but if someone wants to volunteer to do that we can.
- only the Umdze will be unmuted. We decide at the beginning is we will have multiple umdzes.