Finding the Course
You can go directly to the course HERE. Or find it from the COURSES menu at the top.
- Login to Ocean
- Click “Courses” (top menu),
- and then “My Courses”
Entering the Classroom
To start the Zoom session, please select “Start Course” (under Judy’s photo), and click this image:
Other Resources
Please explore the course menu to the left for recommended readings. As the course progresses, we will be posting audio recordings and transcripts of Judy’s 2018 talks on Fear and Courage, video recordings of our live classes, related documents, and more. When new content is posted, you will be notified in the forum.
The Forum
Between classroom sessions, the FORUM will be our central hub for discussing the teachings, exploring related articles, asking questions, and visiting with friends.To participate and receive daily email updates, please click the orange “Subscribe” button.