How to ask a question or make a suggestion

How to ask a question or make a suggestion

  1. Make sure you are logged on to the Ocean Website.
  2. Choose Questions and Suggestions, under the HELP menu.
  3. Look at the forum topics to see if the same subject is already covered. If it is, post your comments in an exisiting topic, rather than starting a new one.
  4. Click on the title to read the comments.

  1. Read the comments, and scroll to the bottom of the window to add your reply. Type your reply and click Submit.

  1. If the subject you want to report is not in the topics, click on the forum tab (to return to the main forum page), then click Create topic.


  1. Enter the topic title and description. Click Submit. Please be precise in your title and description.

  1. Your topic is now the most recent, and as such is displayed first on the topic list.
  2.  If you make a mistake, you can edit your topic title and description. Click on the topic’s title, and then click Edit.




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