The Six Types of Mindfulness in the Dzogchen Tradition with Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche
As is now widely known, mindfulness is considered among the most important factors to be cultivated on the journey of meditation and awakening. The Dzogchen tradition presents the principle of mindfulness in a detailed, nuanced, and progressive way, starting with the development of mindfulness in a way that is appropriate for beginners and continuing by presenting levels of mindfulness that are more subtle and profound.
During this special program, Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche will share the Dzogchen tradition’s unique approach to mindfulness, basing himself on such teachings as those of the famed fourteenth century Dzogchen master Longchen Rabjam (Longchenpa). We are excited about this rare opportunity to receive in-depth teachings from the Dzogchen tradition, made accessible and lively by a kind, humorous, and thoroughly modern teacher of this tradition.
February 26th, 730-9pm MST
February 27th, 1030am-5pm MST
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